Sunday, April 12, 2020

Sing, People, Sing!

Easter Sunday, April 12, 2020
The Rev. Nancy E. Gossling

“As she weeps, a person appears and asks, “Woman, why are you weeping?” She supposes him to be the gardener. But when he speaks her name, “Mary,” she sees—astonished—that it is Jesus. This is consistent with all the Easter narratives in which no one recognizes the risen Christ at first. Then they do. He was himself, yet different. Jesus had not just come back to life; he had entered into a new life, a risen life.”  (The Rt. Rev. Henry Nutt Parsley, Jr).

Life has not ended. It has only changed, and eventually, we hope, for the better. How do we sing “alleluia” in a foreign land, such as we have now? One warble at a time. One day at a time. Together, we sing undaunted: unified by our hope, steadied by our faith, and empowered by God’s invisible Love, which is greater than any virus. The Risen Christ is here and in us all. Even at the grave, we sing, Alleluia!

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