Friday, April 10, 2015

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah Blog                        The Rev. Nancy E. Gossling
            I miss writing. I miss reflecting upon life, God, and all of creation. I miss speaking about all kinds of creatures, great and small. I miss having a life that seems purposeful, faithful, and meaningful. I still struggle with Church and Real Life.

            So, today I’m starting my “Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah Blog”. Not for you but for me. During this past year, FaceBook has been my community and my connector. I love engaging with people throughout the world, from all walks of life, from the past and the present, and from all faiths and beliefs. FaceBook has also been my pulpit. Using pictures and the words of others, I’ve made comments. I’ve spoken some truths. Not for you but for me.

Today, and this year, I’ll try a blog. Weekly, not daily, I’ll reflect upon life, God, and all of creation. I’ll try it on for a while.

            So here we go: same old blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And also, a new creation: a resurrected body of a blog. I hope it will be somewhat familiar. There will be dirt under my hiking boots, and I’ll be wearing a new shroud. Today, on this Friday in Easter Week, I begin my opus Dei. I hope my new work will be purposeful, faithful, and meaningful. I hope my work will be prayer, and that my offerings of life and love will reflect the Church and Real Life. Hopefully my blog will be grounded in the recently tilled soil of the Word that became Risen Flesh, and you will see my own dirty and restored life stumbling around in the garden of God’s creation as I walk on the Way to….

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