1 Lent Church of the Redeemer The Rev. Nancy E. Gossling
thought I might focus on the beginning of our salvation story with the book of
Genesis. Not only is it a popular story for all ages but it is vivid in its
imagery. It tells the story of our creation, our humanity, and our relationship
with God from many perspectives. Top down, we hear about the galaxies, the sun,
the moon, and the planets in their courses. Bottom up, we hear how we are
formed from dust, and during Lent we are reminded that it is to dust that we
shall return.
is much talk about the chaos in our world today. Our women’s Bible study group
is currently reflecting upon the last book in the Bible, the book of
Revelation, and in it, we hear echoes of the Genesis story. On these “throwback
Thursday mornings” we read about the tree of life in Revelation, which mirrors
the tree of life in the garden of Eden. Old and new prophets encourage their
followers to change their behavior before it’s too late. Repent and return to
the Lord is a recurring refrain.
Throughout our scripture stories
we hear that the world was created by God and yet human beings are destroying
it daily. Prophets point to changes in the climate, the violence of wars and
crime, plagues and diseases, and the deterioration of organized religion. And
yet God promised that, despite our sinful behavior and guilt, God would not
destroy God’s creation. God promised us a new beginning and gave us a sign for
all future generations, the rainbow in Genesis. Indeed, the author of
Revelation writes about a new heaven and a new earth.
you ever heard that phrase, “just wait until your father gets home”? Perhaps
not as prevalent today in child-rearing practices, that threat was more common
in the days of June and Ward Cleaver. The good wife at home, wearing heels and
an apron, supervised their children’s behavior throughout the day, while
preparing the perfect dinner and a martini for her hard-working husband. Upon
his arrival home from his hard day at the office, he would be greeted with his
pipe, his slippers, and the daily paper. If the children ever got “out of hand”
before that time, Momma would utter those words, “Just wait until your father
gets home.”
Now what Daddy did
when he arrived home may have varied with the person. Unlike today, “time-outs”
of silence and reflection upon sinful behavior was not the “rigueur du jour.”
Pauses for peace didn’t occur. No, more likely, Daddy may have pulled off his
belt for some behavior modification. Banishment to one’s room with no supper
may have been a kinder and gentler response. Or a little washing out of the
mouth with some soap reminded children about their speech. Often quoting from
the Bible, the parents thought that if they spared the rod they would spoil
their child. And who would want that? After all, a spoiled child is like spilt
Some of us have
commented during our Bible study of the book of Revelation, how relevant the
imagery and the warnings in the Bible seem for us today. St. John’s visions in
Revelation are vivid; the end-times will include warnings of impending
judgment. There will be earthquakes, fires, and floods. Pestilence and plagues.
Unceasing wars and terrorists. Rogue dictators and emperors. “Who can stand
during these times of great tribulation?” St. John wrote to the new fledgling
churches in Asia Minor.
Now, while there are
many flood stories that are common in religious traditions of all faiths, the
Jewish flood story in the book of Genesis was written notably by three, if not
more, authors. And it was written during much of the time that the Israelites
were in exile in and around the 6th century. They had been routinely invaded by
countries all around them; Egypt, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Greece, and Rome. Not
unlike today in the middle east, they were in the crossroads of other countries
for trade and power, and therefore they often were in the cross hairs of their
For the Jews who fled
to Egypt, the Jews who had been exiled to Babylon, and the Jews who had
remained in their own country, they experienced great chaos during this time in
their lives. They underwent the demise of their government; and their temple
and religious establishments were destroyed.They abandoned their cultures and
traditions while living in foreign lands, and their faith in God was severely
tested. Perhaps these realities are equally true today for many people
throughout our world.
It was a time for the Jews of great sadness and loss.
Prophets had warned them that their great Daddy, the Father of Abraham, Isaac,
and Jacob, the Father of all people, was coming to them in Judgment, but they
had ignored their warnings. They had not changed their behaviors. And, when
Daddy came home to them in Jerusalem and in their country of Israel, it was
The story of Genesis
offered the Jews some comfort and hope. And the rainbow was the sign of God’s
promise for all people. God promises us life, not death; and God, our Creator,
will recreate us as often as it takes. Here is my sign for you for all ages, a
bow in the clouds that spans all nations and all generations. This rainbow is a
sign that includes all colors, covenants, and countries. My bow reminds you of
my power that is far greater than yours, much higher than the mountains, and
much deeper than the caverns of the earth.
Indeed the gospel of Mark tells us
that Jesus is our rainbow; and the time of our judgment was fulfilled in Him.
For Christians, the kingdom of God had arrived, and was revealed in the life,
death, and resurrection of Jesus. “Who is this?” the disciples had asked
themselves, that even the winds and the waves obey Him?
friend recently sent me a story about monks. “A young monk arrives at the
monastery and is assigned to help the other monks in copying the old canons and
laws of the church by hand. He notices, however, that all of the monks are
copying from copies, not from the original manuscript. So, the new monk goes to
the old Abbot to question this, pointing out that if someone made even a small
error in the first copy, it would never be picked up! In fact, that error would
be continued in all of the subsequent copies.”
“The head monk, says, "We
have been copying
from the copies for centuries, but you make a
good point, my son." He goes down into the dark caves underneath the
monastery where the original manuscripts are held as archives, in a locked
vault that hasn't been opened for hundreds of years. Hours go by and nobody
sees the old Abbot.”
“So, the young monk gets worried
and goes down to look for him. He sees him banging his head against the wall
and wailing.
"We missed the R! We missed the R! We missed the bloody R!"
His forehead is all bloody and bruised and he
is crying uncontrollably. The young monk asks the old Abbot, "What's
wrong, father?" With a choking voice, the old Abbot replies, "The
word was CELEBRATE!” (Not Celibate)
Our own salvation story has not
omitted the “R’s” in the original manuscripts. While judgment and punishment
was part of the retribution when Daddy came home, Christians will claim that
sin and death were destroyed on the cross. In Jesus, we are promised many
“R’s”: rebirth and the renewal of our relationships. We are restored to health
and wholeness. We are reconciled to God, promised a resurrected life, and the
recreation of a garden where there is eternal rest, and the Tree of Life still
is the 40 days of wilderness when we join Jesus in resisting the temptations
that tear us down. Repent and return to the Lord, St. John reminded the
churches in Asia Minor. “Repent, and believe in the good news,” Jesus said.
Today, there is a rainbow in the
clouds even for us. And the good news of St. Mark is that when Daddy comes
home, we will know that our sins are forgiven; we will know God’s gracious
love, unmerited and undeserved. This is God’s revelation for us to remember
throughout our Lenten journey!
People of the Redeemer, remember the “R’s”.
Genesis 9:8-17 Mark 1:9-15
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