The Rev. Nancy E. Gossling
You who are risen with newness,
Be with all those who feel old this day.
Those with weary bodies, tired spirits,
those who feel stuck in ancient patterns that never seem to shift.
Help us to trust the cycle of your healing,
spiraling like the rings of a tree, coming to the same place
but deeper and different this year round.
Age in us a stability in the freshness of your mercy
appearing anyway, morning by morning.
~ Tess Ward, The Celtic Wheel of the Year
I am a Boston Celtics fan, a season ticket holder, who is not alone in saying how disappointed I am in how the team played this year. Acknowledging the pandemic and injury challenges they’ve endured, I understand how these things can affect your mental as well as physical health. True that, for us all. And yet, while they are young, they look old and tired. Spiraling like the rings of a tree, they have gotten worse as the year progressed. Clearly they have been stuck in their ancient patterns of “iso” ball, “hero” ball, rather than playing as a team, passing the ball, elevating the play of their teammates, rather than adding statistics to their own individual scorecards. Really, has money corrupted their play? Is arguing with the refs a solution to foul play? Have they become tone-deaf to their coaches and fans, shrugging off the boos and disapproval of the faithful with arrogance? Where is that healthy pride that calls forth our best efforts, even when we’re losing?
The disciples imagined that they had lost after their fearless leader was crucified. Some of them locked themselves away in a room in the city after the crucifixion; others began their long walk back to their former lives and families. A band went fishing in Galilee. Two walked the road to Emmaus. A few went home to Bethany, where Jesus’s BFFs had gathered for dinner before his crucifixion. And then, like a half court basketball shot at the end of game, “swish”, the disciples won. Jesus “showed up” with his resurrection appearances. He met them where they were. “Do not be afraid, and do not be sad,” He said to them. “I am risen and I go before you to prepare a place for you. Until then, love as I have loved you.”
Winners of the game show up! The faithful of every generation know that there is a wideness in God’s mercy, fresh every morning. There is stability in the ancient traditions of all faiths and cultures. Trust in the cycle of God’s healing power; the Celtic Wheel of grace turns eternally every day, and every year.
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