Sunday, March 14, 2021

A Thousand Mornings

The Rev. Nancy E. Gossling

“All night my heart makes its way

however it can over the rough ground

of uncertainties, but only until night

meets and then is overwhelmed by

morning, the light deepening, the

wind easing and just waiting, as I

too wait (and when have I ever been

disappointed?) for redbird to sing.”

― Mary Oliver, A Thousand Mornings

Mary Oliver writes: “the night meets and then is overwhelmed by morning.” I don’t mind the night. In fact. I look forward to that time when I can climb into bed, warmed by the covers, and soothed by the silence. The daily glare of harsh realities can overwhelm me at times, and the night hours bid me welcome relief. And yet, I love the early mornings more, especially when I see the sun crest over the horizon, turning the landscape of earth and sea into a beautiful feast before my eyes. Now that is overwhelming!

The journey from night to morning is not always easy. There is that “rough ground of uncertainties” that wakes me up. I hear things go bump in the night. I imagine bad things happening. I worry; and so I wait for the light to deepen, assuring me that the blessings of a new day are fresh every morning. I feel the winds of fear ease, and the gentle breezes of faith return. My heart cracks open just a little more in a thousand mornings, allowing the Spirit space for its work, for the red bird to sing.

Have I ever been disappointed? You betcha. A thousand mornings and more. And yet I’ve discovered that birds will sing even before the morning has dawned.

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